The Spinal & Soft Tissue Experts
hear what others say about their Lawlor Clinic experience
I could not recommend Shane and Karen highly enough. A fantastic facility and they always find a way to fit you in if you are short on time, and deliver with fantastic results. They are the only sports chiropractors worth visiting in my opinion, they put in the time and effort and care about your health. Top class service from two top class people.
Having sustained a serious long term sports injury through football, the team at the Lawlor clinic have not only greatly helped my road to recovery, but have also given me the confidence, courage and motivation to get back again playing Gaelic football at inter-county level.
Just want to thank Sean for excellent treatment and advice I received for my back recently. Am back playing golf with no problems. Doing my excercises as advised and find them great for relaxing and stretching out the back. Would highly recommend Sean as he did a great job.
I had been to multiple physios before but Shane's unique set of skills and experience really stood out. The initial screening was thorough and the treatment accurate!
From my experience and involvement with Lawlor Clinic / Lawlor Elite at both personal and professional levels, they offer a very comprehensive service to both athletes and general clients that suffer with everyday conditions. Shane and Karen have developed an excellent team that offer a very comprehensive service that specialise in the assessment of functional movement along with the treatment and prescription of corrective exercises for all movement related deficiencies that might prevent you from being the best you can be. I’d have no hesitation at all in recommending or referring clients to Lawlor Clinic / Lawlor Elite as required. Keep up the great work!
I have been suffering with chronic pain following a car crash which has been diagnosed as Fibromyalgia and Plantar Fasciitis in both feet. My friend recommended Lawlor Clinic, Karen worked on the actual muscles, where I had been told I had soft tissue damage, on my first appointment and the change was profound from day one , she also has worked on my feet and slowly they are improving between the work done on them by Karen and following her advice on what to do at home. After only 4 visits I find a remarkable change in my lower back and I am confident that with time I will be pain free. I cannot thank Karen enough and for the first time I feel optimistic that this does not have to be long term.
The Lawlor Clinic was recommended to me by a trainer in NADA (National Athlete Development Academy). I had an ongoing groin issue for 6-9 months which was flaring up after matches and training. I was constantly getting different physiotherapists to look at it but to no avail. I was told I would need surgery but before this I said I would go to Shane Lawlor for a treatment. Shane was very thorough and helped to clear up the issue after 2 visits and I haven't looked back since. I currently go to Shane on a monthly basis for check up/maintenance which helps to keep me injury free which allows me to continue playing hurling freely and getting the maximum out of myself. Shane is very friendly and always on hand after sessions for advice. An excellent service which I highly recommend for anyone who suffers with injuries on and off the sports field.
The back is feeling alot better thanks have to say I was so nervous coming and and from the moment I arrived you put me at ease I found it very easy to explain what was happening and you explained everything to me in terms i understood even down to my exercise moves. You have helped me so much I would happily recommend you to all my friends and family.
I attend the Lawlor clinic on regular basis. Shane and all the staff are friendly and welcoming at each visit. A highly professional service is provided and the staff go above and beyond to help in any way. I couldn't recommend the Lawlor clinic enough, it has been a lifesaver for me, allowing me to train and manage my injuries. Shane is always on hand to give advice.
I have had chronic back pain for almost ten years. I was introduced to the Lawlor clinic by a good friend. Shane and Karen implement an open minded, client centred, positive and challenging approach in their treatment, in which avenues are explored and gains can be made. Above all, they are top class professionals. Thanks to them, I have a better understanding of my condition, and have some tools that I can use to control and manage it myself. My quality of life is considerably better as a result of the Lawlor Clinic. I would unequivocally recommend the Lawlor Clinic to anyone with an injury or chronic pain condition.
I have used Shane and Karen in Lawlor Clinic over the last 18 months. I have found them reliable, personable and extremely professional. They have worked tirelessly to get me functionally moving better. I would highly recommend Lawlor Clinic for any injury as they do get results.
I couldn't recommend Shane and Karen highly enough. I've had an ongoing issue with my knees for many years which ultimately requires surgery, but Shane and Karen were able to identify the problem immediately and rectify it within 1 to 2 sessions. I've been to them with a number of different issues and the results are always the same. Best in the industry.
Shane was an integral part of my performance team and he definitely added to my game for 4 years. His skills as a Sports Chiropractor ensured that I was prepared physically for each round I play. I believe working with Shane is helped me to prevent injuries and hopefully lengthened my career.
Your in safe hands with Lawlor Clinic Excellent Staff
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Functional Range Conditioning FRC® What is Functional Range Conditioning, FRC®? FRC® is a comprehensive joint training system backed by science and research. Whether you are experiencing joint/ muscle tightness or not, the FRC® approach will help you achieve increased mobility while also aiding to reduce inflammation and pain. It utilises various types of exercises for example Controlled Articulated Rotations (CARs) to promote joint health, mobility and control, and Pails and Rails which uses isometric holds to strengthen the target joints. 3 main goals of FRC® ☑ Joint Mobility ☑ Joint Strength ☑ Body Control What is FRC® used for? ☑ Mobility training ☑ Joint health and maintenance ☑ Joint strength ☑ Rehabilitation ☑ Performance enhancement The Functional Range Conditioning concepts can be used on clients of all ages and all abilities and have proved to be highly successively with patients of the Lawlor Clinic.
Chiropractic Treatments Chiropractic is a healthcare profession that specialises in the assessment, diagnosis and treatment of conditions caused by mechanical dysfunction of joints and muscles and their effects on the nervous system which can lead to significant pain. We’ve seen and helped a wide range of people with different disorders and can offer you a very specialised and tailored service exactly for your needs. Today’s chiropractor can diagnose and treat not only backs, but also necks, shoulders, postural and gait dysfunction, arm and leg pain, and sports injuries. Committed to Helping You The human body will always do its best to maintain optimum health. However current lifestyles can place excessive strain upon it, which combined with nutritional and stress influences can prevent its ability to function “normally” and may result in common ailments and pain. Our thorough examination will help us get a proper diagnosis and develop an individualised treatment plan for conditions resulting from spinal dysfunction, poor posture, stress and injury. The Spinal & Soft Tissue Experts – What we Treat: Neck Pain Frozen Shoulder Sciatica Plantar Fasciitis Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Back Pain Osteoarthritis Knee Injuries Ankle Sprains Whiplash TMJ/Jaw Pain Sports Injuries ART® At the Lawlor Clinic we […]
Active Release Techniques® The Lawlor Clinic is Ireland’s leading Active Release Techniques (ART®) Providers What is Active Release Techniques? At the Lawlor Clinic we provide Active Release Techniques (ART®) which is a patented hands on soft tissue treatment that allows us to locate and break up scar tissue following injury. It is considered the gold standard treatment for soft tissue and sports injuries because of its very quick results and impact on performance. The short video explains this accurately. What Conditions Can ART® Help With? The most common conditions we use ART® for are: Back Pain Sciatica Neck Pain Headaches, Migraines & Jaw Pain Shoulder Pain Soft Tissue & Repetitive Strain Injuries Carpal Tunnel Frozen Shoulder Achilles Tendonitis Sports injuries including sprains & strains How Soon Can I Expect To See Results? You will be please to learn that many patients respond well, usually seeing a significant improvement in 4-6 treatments. The goals of ART® are simple, to increase the blood flow to the injured area, break down scar tissue and to restore the normal movement of the muscle or joint thereby speeding up the rate of healing. What Is An ART® Treatment Like? Every ART® session […]
IASTM at Lawlor Clinic IASTM is a relevantly new type of manual therapy that is changing the way chronic and acute soft tissue injuries are treated. The use of stainless steel instruments allows our team to target and break down soft tissue and myofascial tightness which are so often the cause of pain and dysfunction. How does it work and what are the potential benefits? Instrument Assisted Soft Tissue Mobilisation (IASTM) uses specialised handheld medical grade stainless steel instruments. Our practitioners brush or glide these instruments against scar tissue, adhesions or fascial tightness, in a form of cross friction massage helping to reduce pain and improve mobility of the tissues. It can also be used to stimulate a local inflammatory response that supports rebuilding of injured soft tissue. At the Lawlor Clinic we use IASTM with our expertise in Active Release Techniques (ART®) to help speed up the recovery from soft tissue related injuries. Common Conditions treated with IASTM: Achilles Tendinitis Plantar Fasciitis Patellofemoral Disorders Rotator Cuff Injuries Iliotibial Band (ITB) Syndrome Chronic Ankle Sprains Post Surgical Knee Pain Tennis & Golf Elbow Chronic muscle tears What Next? Meet With One Our Specialists You can expect a high level of […]
Laser Therapy For Pain Relief and Healing Deep tissue laser therapy is a non-invasive technique for damaged tissues. It is also widely used as a pain relief therapy. It is highly effective for conditions in which other techniques have failed. Class IV lasers are able to penetrate deeper into the tissues than other lasers, adding to its effectiveness to treat areas that may be missed by other lasers. What are the benefits of Laser therapy? Reduced Pain Decreased Inflammation Enhanced Tissue Healing Drug-Free Treatment Option What does this mean for you? Treatments with the laser typically last 5-10 minutes, but the healing process initiated by the laser keeps working for up to 24 hours after treatment. It is not painful, in fact it is a great treatment option for people who are more sensitive to other treatments, including fibromyalgia patients. The only thing you should feel is a light warming sensation in the area being treated. Most patients see results within 3-5 treatments. Why Laser Therapy? Laser therapy helps to speed up the healing process and often is successful where other treatments have failed occasionally eliminating the need for drugs and surgery. It is also one of the preferred tools […]
Functional Integrated Needling (FIN) The FIN approach integrates a variety of dry needling techniques during a treatment sessions. Unlike traditional acupuncture which typically uses points along meridians, dry needling targets anatomical structures including muscles, ligaments and joint capsules that are the underlying cause of muscle and joint related conditions. Common Conditions Treated with Dry Needling? Headaches Back Pain Frozen Shoulder Plantar fascitis Muscle Tears Osteoarthritis Elbow Injuries Neck & Arm Pain Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Sciatica Shoulder Pain Groin & Hip Pain What Does Dry Needling Involve? During a typical FIN treatment, thin needles are inserted into various targets that have been determined to be the underlying cause of the painful condition. They are left in from several seconds to 20 minutes Different strategies are used for acute injuries and chronic pain conditions that make this a highly effective treatment modality for soft tissue injuries. How does it work and why is it so effective? The insertion of needles into the tissues causes the release of substances that help improve blood flow to areas of tightness and decreases sensitivity by dampening the pain signals in the nervous system and brain. What To Do Next – Find Out How We Can Help […]
Dynamic Neuromuscular Stabilization The Lawlor Clinic is proud to provide Dynamic Neuromuscular Stabilization or DNS as it is known. This is a new approach to manual rehabilitation of the body’s movement and posture, based on the principles of how an individual’s movement develops as an infant. It was originally developed by Dr Pavel Kolar from the Prague School of Physical Rehabilitation and it works by stimulating the movement control centres in the brains central nervous system by using specific movements and manipulations. How Can DNS Help You? The first actual movements we learn as a small infant is how to sit up and how to crawl, if a client’s movement can mimic how they first learned to move as an infant, it can help restore the body’s structural and postural alignment. In many cases an injury or discomfort in a joint can be traced back to the client’s movement not developing correctly as an infant, and then basically reprogramming how your body moves, thus eliminating any neuromuscular problems they may have. If you could compare how you move at present, including any problematic areas you may have, to how an infant with ideal movement would move, it is possible to […]