Specialist in pregnancy antenatal care for juniors and infants

Lawlor Junior specialises in pregnancy related back pain, antenatal and the care of juniors and infants. We incorporate a number of techniques to gently, yet effectively, treat many pregnancy related issues and conditions which can arise in childhood.

Lawlor Junior Care for Mum and Baby

Our chiropractic therapies are designed specifically to meet the needs of the soon-to-be Mum, baby and infant. Treatment is tailored to the individual and is very gentle and non-invasive.

From the outset our aim is to provide natural relief and correction to the spinal and pelvic joints of the mum, creating an environment for an easier and safer delivery for herself and the baby. Unfortunately the birth process can be traumatic to both mum and baby and can create issues later in life for both, such as low back pain in the case of the mum and developmental conditions like ADHD, dyslexia and dyspraxia in the child.

Chiropractic care may help with some of the conditions listed below:

  • Low Back and Leg Pain
  • Pelvic Pain
  • Symphysis Pubis Dysfunction
  • Round Ligament Pain
  • Indigestion
  • Constipation
  • Irritability
  • Colic
  • Irregular Shaped Skull (Plagiocephaly)
  • Constipation
  • Feeding Difficulties
  • Gait (Walking) Difficulties
  • Headaches
  • Hip/Knee Pain
  • Bed Wetting

Webster Technique

The Webster technique is a treatment for the pelvis. It is used primarily on pregnant women to correct biomechanical dysfunction in sacroiliac joints. Pregnancy causes increased hormones in the mother which can cause excessive movement in the pelvis, sometimes causing pain and dysfunction.

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Webster Technique

Chiropractic & Child

Chiropractic care is a safe and effective form of natural healthcare for children of all ages and is adapted to suit the needs and age of each individual child. It is never too early or too late to bring your child to a chiropractor as minor issues may be detected before they are given time to progress.

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Pregnancy Pelvis Pain

Low back pain is common during pregnancy, but one less talked about area of pain during pregnancy is the front of the pelvis. The pubis symphysis is where the two halves of the pelvis come together in the front. During and even after pregnancy it can be a major source of pain and discomfort for women.

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Pelvis Pain

Cranial Work

The bones of the skull are placed under strain during child birth and sometimes can result in mild misalignments of the baby’s bones. At the Lawlor Clinic we adopt a gentle non-invasive approach to adjusting mild skull distortions which can help your child achieve better general health.

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Lawlor Junior for Antenatal & Postnatal care

During pregnancy a woman’s body undergoes many physical and chemical changes, which can put a strain on the body leading to injuries. Our chiropractic therapies have been exceptionally successful in treating numerous conditions in expecting Mums.

Our aim is to provide natural relief and correction to the spinal and pelvic joints. This creates an environment for an easier and safer delivery for both Mum and baby. Chiropractic care is best begun in preparation for pregnancy as this decreases the likelihood of problems occurring during term.

The use of forceps and ventouse extraction means many infants suffer trauma to their cranium and spine at birth. These methods apply pressure to the delicate membranes of the skull which can cause abnormal shaping of the head, and may create further problems later in life.

Contact Us For a Friendly Chat

You can expect a high level of care and support at this important time in your life. We also know the importance of motherhood and giving your children the right advice and treatments, which is an area that we have a lot of experience with.

If would like further information, help or advice, please don’t hesitate to contact us either by calling the clinic on: 057 867 8904 or through our contact form here.

We also offer reduced fees for all patients under 16 years so please ask us for more information. Many of our therapies are covered by all the Major Private Health Insurers, GAA Injury Scheme, Garda Medical Aid.

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