
Our Top Marathon Recovery Tips

1 October 2016
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Good luck to everyone running the grueling Dublin Marathon in a couple of weeks time, including our very own Karen, running her second marathon! The weeks leading up to the marathon  will be tough, and not only the actual running of the race, but the recovery can be just as painful! So with that being said, here are our top tips for a fast recovery.

Recovery After the Race:
How fast you recover after a tough race depends on a number of different factors including:

  • Actual time spent in running preparation
  • How much rest you got pre-race
  • How good your nutrition was pre-race to fuel your body

Our top tips to aid recovery:

  • Rest: In the next 7-10 days try to get as much rest as possible, aiming for 8 hours sleep per night. This will help speed up the recovery process after the marathon.
  • Ice Baths: If you can withstand the cold, ice baths are a great way to help fight delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS)
  • Nutrition: For electrolyte recovery try Nuun or BioSteel performance and recovery drinks. With each meal consume some protein (15-30g), take omega 3 supplements, plenty fruit & vegetables especially pineapple which is high in an anti inflammatory called Bromelain. It is advisable to take in essential mineral salts that will have been lost through sweat during the marathon. We recommend Himalayan Salts to help replenish these salts.
  • Keep moving: Avoid running for the first days after the marathon, but do take short walks and move as much as possible
  • Laser: Laser therapy is a great post-race tool to help aid recovery. It helps speed the healing process in the tissues
  • Kinesiotape: Lymphatic Applications and Cut Outs will help the drainage of the legs and to help reduce DOMS.
  • Sports Massage/foam rolling: Both are good ways to help your body to recover after the race.


Running Injuries
For some of you, you may have picked up an injury or two during the race. It is important to have these injuries assessed and treated appropriately. Don’t just let it go! Call us today to see if we can help with your marathon recovery!


Yours in Health,
The Lawlor Clinic Portlaoise

Chiropractic | Dynamic Neuromuscular Stabilization | Active Release Techniques (ART®)

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