Recently in the clinic, we got asked if you should squat with your toes straight or turned out in the gym. This is a common question people ask themselves and understanding the link between both these squats will help you to produce a stronger squat and avoid injuries.
Toes Forward:
A squat is one of the main movements you do day to day, but then can also be used as an exercise. In the clinic when we screen patients and assess your squat the aim is to see the quality of your squat as a movement, rather than an exercise. Squatting with your feet pointing forwards is more challenging than with your feet pointing out.
To squat to a full depth with your feet pointing forwards you must have three things:
Good ankle mobility
Good hip mobility
Pelvic and core stability
Your balance will also play a role in this and if you are more dominant on one side or the other. With your toes pointed outwards it is easier to squat to depth with an upright chest.
If you have a poor bodyweight squat and you play sports this will impact movements such as jumping and then landing. A lot of the time knee injuries occur because people jump up and then have their knee cave inwards because of the lack of control they have through their entire lower limb. If you can pass a bodyweight squat with your toes pointing forwards then you can effectively work on jumping to build speed and power.
Toes out
Once you go into the gym and pick up a barbell you are squatting as an exercise rather than a movement. So there is a slight change in the pattern of movement. This means you will turn the feet out to give yourself a better base of support and will not challenge your mobility and balance to as much of a degree as a narrow stance toes forward squat.
When we squat deeper and turn out hips outwards you can get deeper into a squat.
This is why some athletes can squat deeper when they turn their toes out. By externally rotating the hips we can usually achieve a deeper and better-looking squat.
When our hips are turned outwards, the muscles on the inside of your leg which are called the Adductor muscles are lengthened, so in comparison to a narrow stance you will use your Adductors more when you have your feet turned outwards. Your adductors are useful in the standing up part of your squat. So strengthening them and using them more will help for a more efficient and effective way to move the barbell while in the gym.
Normally you should have your feet turned out somewhere between 10-30 degrees. Turning your feet out more can make your Glute and Hamsringmuscles less effective when performing the squat. Not everyone is the same so somewhere that feels comfortable for you will be likely best for producing a powerful and effective squat.
In conclusion:
If you can not perform a good bodyweight squat with your toes facing forwards then there is likely some mobility or stability issues to work on, if you correct these then you will have a more powerful and effective weighted squat in the gym with your toes turned further outwards.
If you would like a full functional assessment and find out what issues are limiting you in the gym, then contact the clinic today on 0578678904, direct message us on Facebook or book now.
Yours in Health
The Lawlor Clinic: Spine & Sport, Portlaoise, Laois
In the previous blog, we talked about what causes Plantar Fasciitis and other foot conditions. This blog will cover how to resolve your foot pain. If you have not checked out part one of this blog series then go to our website to read all about it.
A major issue that is a common cause of foot pain is footwear. By changing this we can cause a long term decrease in your symptoms.
Firstly finding a shoe that has a very small heel and that has a wide toe box to allow your toes to sufficiently spread out. The less a shoe does to your foot, the better it is for your foot. Then as you walk during the day the muscles in your foot will strengthen.
There are lots of brands to choose from when picking a barefoot shoe for example Vivobarefoot, Bearfoot Athletics, Lems, Xero and Feelgrounds. Finding brands that blend foot function with fashion will help your transition.
If you do not wear barefoot shoes often then you may not be ready for a complete jump to barefoot shoes. For example, if you could not swim you would not jump in at the deep end straight away. The same applies to your feet. Slowly building your capacity through the foot will help to gradually build your strength and motion in the foot, reducing the chance of injury and discomfort.
Start off at one hour of being barefoot and then gradually increase the time spent each day by 20 minutes to help your transition.
Toe Extensor Stretch
It is common to stretch the plantar fascia. This is based on the idea that the tissues are tight and shortened. But because modern footwear actually lengthens the plantar fascia we should focus on the opposite side of the foot rather than stretching something that is already lengthened.
Start with a stretch to the toe extensors:
Pull one or both feet behind you and position the top of the foot on the ground.
Pull your heel back and towards the ground. This action should allow a good stretch to the top of your foot.
Hold this position for 30 seconds before relaxing. (It is common to get a cramp in the arch of your foot, the more you practice this stretch the better it will get).
Soft Tissue Mobilisation
A common fix for plantar fasciitis is rolling a ball under your foot, this is effective because when deep pressure is put into the plantar fascia, blood flow is stimulated. This can speed up healing and also act as temporary pain relief.
Find a small ball, either a golf ball or a sliotar and roll it slowly on the bottom of your foot. When you come to a painful point, hold this pressure for 20 seconds before moving off the area. Do this for 3-5 minutes and see if your symptoms are less than before.
Strengthening The Foot
Improving the strength of your foot should be a major factor in the rehabilitation of your foot injury. As mentioned earlier, just switching to a barefoot shoe can significantly increase the strength of the muscles in your foot.
But you may need to further foot strength can work on the small muscles of the foot.
The Toe Scrunch:
Place a small towel under your foot.
Slowly grasp the towel with your toes and pull it towards your heel.
Do this for 10 reps of 3 sets.
Strengthening the tight foot extensors (which are the muscles on the front of your shin) can also be beneficial to your foot pain. Moonwalks are an effective way to do this.
Do this exercise for 20-30 reps at a time.
Then when you have the ability to create a strong foot position you can progress to maintaining it while loading the foot. For example, squats and single-leg RDL’s without any shoes on will help create foot stability in multiple planes of motion as you will be constantly shifting your weight through the foot and forced to adapt.
If you suffer from foot pain or have any questions then contact the clinic today on 0578678904, direct message us on Facebook or book now.
Yours in Health
The Lawlor Clinic: Spine & Sport, Portlaoise, Laois
Foot injuries can be frustrating because they affect you constantly in the day. It hurts to run, jump, squat, getting up in the morning and can stop you from doing activities you love.
A common condition people are diagnosed with is plantar fasciitis. The plantar fascia is a thick sheet of connective tissue that lies on the bottom of your feet. It runs from the inner part of your heel and spreads under your foot, attaching to the base of your toes. The function is to act as a shock absorber for the arch of your foot when moving.
Imagine the plantar fascia as a rubber band. When you are not standing up the rubber band is relaxed. But as the foot hits the ground when walking or running, it is pulled taut. This is useful for two reasons.
Maintains your foot arch.
Allows the foot to be more rigid allowing the body to push off the ground propelling itself forward more efficiently.
Imagine you are trying to run through quicksand. It is hard to push off and gather speed because you have not got a firm surface to push off. But the plantar fascia creates an effect in the foot turning this quicksand to a firm surface so you can generate force efficiently and with more power.
For a long time, Plantar Fasciitis was thought to be an inflammation of the plantar fascia and more of a repetitive stress injury. But the true cause of this condition comes down to a problem with blood flow.
When your big toe is pulled inward for example in a narrow shoe or if you have a tight foot, a muscle on the inside bottom of the foot is under tension, this is your Abductor Hallucis. You can test this and see it for yourself. If you pull your big toe inwards and look next to the inside of your heel, you can see the stretching occurring.
This tightening of the muscle leads to pinching of a nearby artery that runs underneath. This restricts blood flow to part of the bottom of your foot.
This leads us to an important point. Poor blood flow limits the body’s ability to recover from stress.
Most people who are diagnosed with plantar fasciitis have pain on the bottom of their foot (usually near the inside side of the heel) that is especially extremely painful when taking their first few steps in the morning after waking up.
A common description is a knife-like sensation stabbing the bottom of the foot. While these symptoms may get better through the day but are then made worse with loading. For example when you go for a run or stand up for long periods of time.
Mortons Neuroma: A very common condition that causes pain in the foot is Morton’s neuroma. It is a painful enlargement of a small nerve in your foot that runs between your third and fourth toes. But why is the nerve painful in the first place? The answer is often inappropriate footwear and a dysfunctional foot.
The three problem features of shoes contribute to nerve irritation.
Elevated heel: This causes the toes to be in an extended position. This will increase the amount of load on the nerve
Toe spring: Lifting the toes also increases the load on the exposed nerve to an even greater degree.
Narrow toebox: If the toes are pushd together, the nerve can be pinched between the third and fourth toes.
This extra loading on the nerve and pinching causes symptoms of burning or electrical shock-like pain into the third and fourth toes. It also often gives an uncomfortable sensation in the foot and is often described as a feeling of a pebble in peoples shoes.
Next week we will cover the ways to help manage and fix these issues.
In the meantime, if you suffer from foot pain or have any questions then contact the clinic today on 0578678904, direct message us on Facebook or book now.
Yours in Health
The Lawlor Clinic: Spine & Sport, Portlaoise, Laois
Currently, people will do anything to compete and perform at their best. When it comes down to game day, it is common for people to try and ignore their pain and then push through it. This goes back to the phrase we have been told from when we were young of ‘No pain, no gain’.
In the world today, no pain, no gain is frequently said and acted upon to cover up pain. We wrap our ankles and wrists before games, wear knee sleeves and take pain killers and use creams to get through training by keeping the pain at a low enough level in order to perform. Although this allows us to compete on a consistent basis but these temporary solutions for dealing with pain during competition and even training sessions have become regular occurrences for people during their routines.
So what can be the effects of pushing through pain?
Pain tells us that there may be injury occurring to the body. The type of pain can vary from sharp, stabbing or throbbing sensation. Pain can be muscular or you could be feeling it in a joint. It often occurs due to overuse, poor technique and inflammation. It is important to note that pain does not improve because of a proper warm-up or mobility work pre-session.
This is because pain is not a soreness. Whereas muscle soreness will almost always improve when you have done a throughout warmup. When your muscles are sore this is a natural part of training. So if you have done a warm-up and your pain improves it is most likely because you are just sore and can continue with training.
There are a few reasons why phishing through pain can be harmful. Firstly as mentioned earlier, pain can be a warning sign of a problem being caused for your body, similar to a check engine light on your dashboard. Although there may be times of pushing through pain to get a performance in, if it becomes part of your training routine it can be detrimental to your body and your progress. Continually ignoring pain is when injuries occur.
Pain also changes the way you move. This is because your body is trying to find a position where it is protected. But this can also affect your movement and therefore directly limit your mobility and diminish your strength. This is especially true for gym-goers when using a barbell. Because trying to push through the pain when you are lifting heavy will limit your development.
So do not ignore the signs with your body when it is in pain. Learn to embrace pain as a chance to fix your body so it can run for a long time safely.
If you suffer from pain and would like an examination and treatment to help relieve your symptoms and improve your movement patterns then contact the clinic today on 0578678904, direct message us on Facebook or book now.
Yours in Health
The Lawlor Clinic: Spine & Sport, Portlaoise, Laois
For or any athlete or gym-goer, the ability to move pain-free and being mobile on the field is key to performance. Whether you play rugby, football, hurling and weightlifting, these all require muscle strength, flexibility, proper body mechanics and technique to prevent injury and perform your best.
Preventing Pain and Injury
People who are training consistently for a sport or activity are more likely to be stiff and sore after training or a match. This is especially relevant for those who participate in contact sports like rugby. In the clinic, we have a wide range of treatment options, which will help target your muscles and joints to gain more flexibility and decrease painful movement. This can help decrease the risk of injury because it encourages flexibility and movement so you have a better range of motion to throw, catch and run.
Restore Function
Many sports require repetitive motion that can lead to overuse injuries. This is because you need consistent practice at a certain skill to achieve accuracy and distance. This means muscles around the arm and shoulder can become injured. If the muscles and joints can become painful and inflamed you will start to limit the movement to protect the sore joint. While rest is helpful for repetitive motion injury, in the clinic with techniques such as massage therapy can restore normal function, relieve muscle spasms and pain quickly.
Enhance Performance
In the clinic, we will do a full functional screen to see where the body is not moving efficiently and help recognise where we can help improve your movement to help your sports performance.
Treatment methods we use in the clinic are:
Chiropractic adjustments
Active Release Technique (ART)
Dry needling
Diet advice
Dynamic Neuromuscular Stabilization (DNS)
Laser therapy
If you have niggle or feel tight in certain areas and want to get it sorted, then contact the clinic for a full functional assessment to see where your imbalances are. To do this contact the clinic today on 0578678904, direct message us on Facebook or book now.
Yours in Health
The Lawlor Clinic: Spine & Sport, Portlaoise, Laois
Rugby is one of the most popular sports around today and is one of the toughest on the body. As many people who play rugby know, there are few areas of the body that can avoid getting hit or injured while playing because of how heavy of a contact sport it is. In this blog, we’re going to look at which injuries are the most common, and what actions you can take to avoid them.
Common injuries
It is common for players to get bruises or strains to the muscles when playing rugby. Almost half of rugby injuries are on the muscles but many can be avoided or prevented. So knowing the best ways to do this is crucial to your game management.
Another 25% of injuries are head injuries. With the main head injury being concussions.
Fractures are another common and more serious injury involved in rugby.
Also sprains such as ankle sprains (which are the most common) can occur at ligaments in various areas of the body for example the knee, shoulder and ankle
Risk factors?
Although the injuries mentioned above are the most common injuries in rugby, different people will be at risk in different ways. For example, children are more at risk of fractures than other age groups because bones still developing until you are in your 20’s.
Also, the role you play in the team has an effect on the risk of injury. Hookers and flankers are the most injured players on the team and put themselves in positions where they are more likely to get injured, this is especially relevant in tackling.
Injury prevention
So as we have covered there are many injuries you can pick up during rugby and it is common to think that this comes with the territory of playing the game. But you can reduce the risk of injury and therefore play more minutes on the pitch.
It has been shown that most rugby injuries take place right at the start of the season. This is because people have fallen out of their training routine and are suddenly going from 0 to 100 when returning to play. By doing this the muscles and ligaments are not fully prepared for being back and are at a greater risk of injury. The best thing to do in the offseason is to still train and keep your body at a good level of fitness so you are prepared for the return to the pitch.
Certain muscles and joints are at more risk of injury in certain positions. For example, backs are more likely to injure their knees because of being in a compromised position. If your body isn’t functioning correctly and is tight in certain areas then injuries are more likely to occur. This can occur because if you force the joints or muscles into positions they are not used to then they can be injured whereas if they were loose, mobile and stable, then they have less chance of injury. This is the area we focus on in the clinic. We do this by doing a full functional assessment and then explaining which areas of your body can be worked on to help improve performance and decrease the risk of injury.
If you want to know more about potential causes of injuries or get your pain sorted, then contact the clinic for a full functional assessment and treatment. Contact the clinic today on 0578678904, direct message us on Facebook or book now.
Yours in Health
The Lawlor Clinic: Spine & Sport, Portlaoise, Laois
Plantar fasciitis is one of those phrases that gets thrown around a lot in conversations. But do you know what it actually means? What is the plantar fascia, what causes irritation to it, and how can you prevent and treat the cause of the problem using Active Release Techniques?
What is the Plantar Fascia?
The plantar fascia is not a muscle or tendon, it is actually a connective tissue structure that supports the bottom of the foot. It runs from the heel bone to the toes and lies on top of the deeper muscles of the foot. But it is not the plantar fascia on its own that causes the problem. The fascia works in conjunction with the flexor digitorum brevis and quadratus plantae muscles, both are flexors of the toes.
What causes Plantar Fasciitis?
An irritation and inflammation to the previously mentioned tissues and muscles, to state it very basically! But what causes the irritation? Biomechanical issues in the foot and ankle, tightness or damage in muscles of the feet or calf, sudden increase in activity that is too much too soon, some even say too much sitting around (underactivity) can cause the problem.
But when you do get it, you want it to go away as fast a possible because it can be very painful!
Some common symptoms include:
Pain at the heel or anywhere along the bottom of the foot
Cramping at the bottom of the foot
Pain worse first thing in the morning
How can ART® help plantar fasciitis?
Active Release Techniques ART® is a hands on technique for helping to restore normal function to the soft tissue. So release of the plantar fascia and other contributing muscles in the foot, might be uncomfortable but the results will be noticeable within 3-4 treatments.
Along with ART®, manipulation of the joints in the foot using Chiropractic techniques can help to restore normal biomechanics to help prevent this from recurring in the future. To help speed up the healing process we commonly use Laser Therapy and you will always be given exercises and stretches to do at home.
If you think you might have plantar fasciitis, don’t keep suffering, give us a call today to see if we can help you get on the path to healing!
Yours in Health
The Lawlor Clinic | Spine & Sport, Portlaoise, Laois
Our feet play an essential role in how we transfer our body weight when we move, provide vital information to our brains for position awareness and sometimes are even called upon to help out our weak cores. We need to look after them and have them strong enough to meet these many demands. Modern foot wear, orthotics and lack of time walking around bare foot all contribute to weak intrinsic foot muscles and it is these which we need to strengthen.
Try the following movements shown in the video below to see how strong your feet are
1. Foot Crawl
2. Big Toe Up while keeping other 4 down
3. 4 Toes Up keeping big toe down
4. Toe Pianos
5. Toe Spreads
“In order to master it you need to practice it”
Start with doing any weak or difficult movements everyday for 1 minute
If you would like to book an appointment please contact us today for a quick chat to see how we can help!
Yours in Health
The Lawlor Clinic, Portlaoise
Chiropractic, Golf & Sports Injuries | Active Release Techniques (ART®)
A common condition we see frequently in the office is knee pain. In a lot of cases we can trace the pain in the knee back to a dysfunctional joint above or below it, unless you got a direct trauma to the knee itself.
This is largely because the ankle and the hip have far more range of motion and thus more risk for injury and dysfunction than the knee itself. The knees are hinge joints, which means they primarily move in flexion and extension, with a bit of rotation. The femur (thigh bone) sits on top of the tibia (shin bone), cushioned by the meniscus (cartilage) in-between the two. It’s all held together by a lot of strong ligaments, along with the muscles of the thigh and calf there to support as well. Here are 3 common factors:
1. Big toe dysfunction– this problem is more common than you would think. When the big toe gets stiff and loses movement, the body starts to compensate to try and get the same range. This leads to the ankle collapsing inwards and also the knee along with other problems further up the body. This inward collapse of the knee toward the other one is called a valgus stress- and you don’t want to have this!
2. Ankle mobility– limited motion, specifically dorsiflexion or lifting the ankle up towards the body, requires the knee to go more forward to make up the distance lacking at the ankle. Knees forward over the toes is another risk for injury. There is too much strain on the knee in that position and eventually something will give.
3. Glute activation-or lack there of. With our modern lifestyle we are sitting much more, which means the glutes are not getting worked as much as they should be. Specifically, weakness in the glute medius and other external rotators can predispose us to valgus stress at the knee…. which if you remember: you don’t want to have this!! Try these clam shells to get your glute muscles firing:
There are many other reasons why you may have knee pain, but these are some of the most common we see in the clinic. Instead of straining the knees with your movements, why not work on moving properly through the ankles and the hips to take the pressure off them and prevent future injuries? Want to get your knee pain assessed? Contact us today!
If you are a follower of the golf world, you probably have heard the latest news from the world’s number 1 golfer, Rory McIlroy. It is suspected that he damaged his anterior talofibular ligament (ATFL), while playing soccer. What golf fans are dying to know is, how long will it take him to come back from this? If it is confirmed to be a full rupture of the ligament, typically that takes somewhere between 8-12 weeks to recover from. But with the right treatment the process can be helped along. As Ireland’s leading golf injuries experts here are our top tips for recovery from such an injury:
Laser therapy -Why laser therapy? It helps speed recovery by stimulating the tissues to heal. We are one of the first in Ireland to have a Lite Cure Medical Class IV laser.
Rock Tape – kinesiotaping can be very beneficial for injuries, not only for decreasing swelling in the area, but providing support that does not restrict movement.
Joint mobility– we have all heard the saying, “use it or lose it”. This is especially true in the body. It has been shown that keeping joints moving after injuries actually helps them improve faster, by improving circulation in the area and maintaining range of motion.
ART® – Active Release Techniques ® can help to release tight muscles, ligaments, and joints in the area, improving range of motion and helping speed healing.
IASTM– Instrument assisted soft tissue mobilisation- helps to break down adhesions and scar tissue in the area and promotes proper healing of the injury.
Active Rehabilitation– tailored exercises can help keep the joint moving and strengthen surrounding muscles. One of the best exercises post ankle injury is balance work, to help regain proprioception in the joint.
Ice with compression- devices such as the Game Ready, can help with pain management as well as helping decrease swelling after an injury.
The ankle is such an important joint, especially for athletes. Any dysfunction here can lead to problems throughout the body, so proper treatment and rehab after injuries is vital. With the right approach it is possible to return from such an injury and get back to playing with minimal residual issues.
Contact us today to see if we can help with your recovery from injury.
Yours in Health,
The Lawlor Clinic
Chiropractic | Golf & Sports Injuries | Active Release Techniques (ART®)